This is hard, I'm starting out with over 231 images that I like either because it's a great shot that really fits my style or just because it's a great memory of mine from this last year's blog. Enjoy some of my highlights of 2010 that I posted. Then it's 2011 for blog time... I have an engagement session from this past weekend and all kinds of good stuff building up. :)
Father & Daughter waving goodbye to the train.
Contest winner
I never could work up the courage to post this one... :) I didn't want anyone to figure out I had a little crush on her before I knew if she liked me back... (Long post to be made about this in the future) ... and now we are planning our wedding. :D YAY! I love being engaged!
This was a big day for me!
This was the moment I made a promise to myself to be better at communication with all my
Family, Friends, Fans and Clients! This is probably one of the best investments I made in 2010.
In 2009 it was my Canon 5D Mark 2. I LOVE that thing.
My first workshop.
Image credit goes to Jack McDonnell. Thanks, Dude!
My awesome Brother Konner helping me hold this up so I could take pictures of it. He's GREAT!
Right before I photographed a wedding I stopped for some tea... :)
I've been falling in love with the Instagram world... Follow me there too! Just a random spree of fun images from my life. Look me up! My username is @BrittonFelber
During my last Chicago Photographer's workshop
This was one of the hottest and fun engagement sessions EVER! And can't wait for all the upcoming ones this year in 2011.

My all time favorite image from this year of 2010... and I didn't even take it! My fiance's sister
Bri Northern did this one for us at a wedding we were at.
If you or one of your friends is looking for a wedding photographer or engagement photographer
please check out my website. I'm based in Chicago
but I photograph weddings from coast to coast!
please check out my website. I'm based in Chicago
but I photograph weddings from coast to coast!
If you aren't a fan of my facebook page yet, I would be honored if you would check it
out now right here!
out now right here!
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!