Just in case you can't tell I think pink is one of Lisa's favorite colors. And it made for a lot of fun!
"L" For Lisa...
..."S" for Scott.
Mixing sand is getting more and more popular. It's pretty cool I think because it's another item they get to take home to commemorate their wedding day.
The music was AMAZING! The Lewis family did it and it was just plan outstanding. They did great! I just love live strings at a wedding.
Getting ready. :)
These little flower girls were just awesome! Seriously! They practiced dropping those peddles three times the day before each time having to pick them up again and never complained at all. Their parents are doing something right!
*The kiss*
There are a few more images on my facebook page that I couldn't really fix in this post. Check it out!
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!