Happy new year!
God bless you all. Britton Felber
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Working away on my photography website and . . .
Surprise!!!! Look who walks into my room today. :) I never thought this collection of friend would ever all be in my room at one time before. lol. Thanks for stopping by guys!
Note the bare wall on the left . . . all I have to do is hang the images. I have them printed and ready to go. :) Didn't want anyone to freak out that I have no images on my walls. lol.

Happy New Years to all of you! I wish you the very best.
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
Note the bare wall on the left . . . all I have to do is hang the images. I have them printed and ready to go. :) Didn't want anyone to freak out that I have no images on my walls. lol.

Happy New Years to all of you! I wish you the very best.
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Retouching and blowing WAY WAY up.
I got a phone call the other day from an elderly lady who came by my home. She had seen some images that I took and printed in metallic for my brother and sister-in-law, one 20x24" and one 20x20", as a Christmas present.
As the conversation goes on I find out she has seven images she wants blown up like the ones she just saw. When I got the images I found out that they were tiny: most were 2x3" and the biggest of them was a 3x5". Not exactly a lot of info to start working with there. Pretty much really made me laugh at first. I took a deep breath and began thinking through how I could do this.
Turns out it was pretty simple really. . . okay, it took me all day . . . and a couple late nights. But it was a fun project. The two images I'm showing you here date back to 1948. When I blew them up so they could be printed at 24x30" it revealed a ton of scratches and holes. It took a lot to make the images look like they probably did roughly 52 years ago . . . but the results were something amazing. :)

For reference . . . I took this picture of the originals next to my laptop keyboard.

She actually ended up ordering them 24x30" in Metallic.

This one she also ordered 24x30" in Metallic.
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
As the conversation goes on I find out she has seven images she wants blown up like the ones she just saw. When I got the images I found out that they were tiny: most were 2x3" and the biggest of them was a 3x5". Not exactly a lot of info to start working with there. Pretty much really made me laugh at first. I took a deep breath and began thinking through how I could do this.
Turns out it was pretty simple really. . . okay, it took me all day . . . and a couple late nights. But it was a fun project. The two images I'm showing you here date back to 1948. When I blew them up so they could be printed at 24x30" it revealed a ton of scratches and holes. It took a lot to make the images look like they probably did roughly 52 years ago . . . but the results were something amazing. :)

For reference . . . I took this picture of the originals next to my laptop keyboard.

She actually ended up ordering them 24x30" in Metallic.

This one she also ordered 24x30" in Metallic.
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
Labels: wedding photos, Wedding photography,
Britton Felber,
Graphic Arts,
Photography by Britton,
Restoring images
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Cameron's swim meet.

The other day I got to attend my youngest brother, Cameron's swim meet. It was his first time to compete and he was so excited. I will say it was fun to be there and cheer him on. He possesses a unique ability to be very sure of himself and calm for his age. He's a all around go-getter type of guy.
Not only was my whole family there, but also my Uncle David and his whole family, my Gramma Felber and a few friends too! The cheering section was large. You'll see in the photos of him doing the breast stroke that he was smirking because he could hear us all cheering like nuts! Needless to say, we're all very proud of him!

He has pretty amazing form.

Cameron getting ready and feeling pretty sure.

The second race.

Yes, he won!

The butterfly

More butterfly

Ready. Set. GO.

Notice the smirk on his face? Cute, huh?

The first dive.
Labels: wedding photos, Wedding photography,
Britton Felber,
Photography by Britton,
Sports photography,
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Day Post.
Okay, I know this isn't much of a post. . . but it's Christmas and I can't help it. I need to run and go build some ginger bread houses with the family. :) Merry Christmas to you all!
Oh, please be sure to check out my website to see something seasonally cool. (For those of you who haven't already seen my post from yesterday. It's coming down tomorrow. So, tonight is your last chance.)
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
Oh, please be sure to check out my website to see something seasonally cool. (For those of you who haven't already seen my post from yesterday. It's coming down tomorrow. So, tonight is your last chance.)
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
Christmas, and "ginger" bread houses!
Okay, so they aren't really ginger bread houses. But who really cares? The fact was we were all hanging around the table having a good time building and creating. I think the part we had the most fun with was making fun of poor Gramma, because her "lighthouse" looked more like a Russian spaceship from Candyland with a hump on its back. Seriously, no one could figure out what it was.
I think the part that's interesting about our family is this. We enjoy working together; we always have. It's something my parents have have set a high value on. But just like they predicted, we are each other's best friends in the whole world and would do anything for one another. We're all so different in so many ways, but we all love the way work brings us together. And building ginger bread houses has been a fun activity we have done for the past couple of years now. I think it's going to be a tradition for many more years to come.

Cameron did an awesome job on his house this year.

Konner is the detail man. He built an airport this year. In this shot it's the plane.

Bryce, appearing to be having a heart attack over his house coming down. Don't worry, he got it fixed up in no time. :)

Jenny, my awesome sister-in-law, working ever so carefully on her house. :)

When was the last time you saw such sweet building supplies? har har. I know, dumb joke. :)

Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
I think the part that's interesting about our family is this. We enjoy working together; we always have. It's something my parents have have set a high value on. But just like they predicted, we are each other's best friends in the whole world and would do anything for one another. We're all so different in so many ways, but we all love the way work brings us together. And building ginger bread houses has been a fun activity we have done for the past couple of years now. I think it's going to be a tradition for many more years to come.

Cameron did an awesome job on his house this year.

Konner is the detail man. He built an airport this year. In this shot it's the plane.

Bryce, appearing to be having a heart attack over his house coming down. Don't worry, he got it fixed up in no time. :)

Jenny, my awesome sister-in-law, working ever so carefully on her house. :)

When was the last time you saw such sweet building supplies? har har. I know, dumb joke. :)

Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
Labels: wedding photos, Wedding photography,
Britton Felber,
Thursday, December 24, 2009
It's cloudy with a 100% chance of snow for Christmas . . .
Check it out, It's snowing at Photography by Britton for Christmas! Merry Christmas to you all!

Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber

Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Let's compare apertures on three shots, shall we?
"Aperture, what in the world is that anyways? Is that something that makes my pictures blurry if it's too small or big?" or "Is the bigger the aperture something to do with how much zoom you get from your camera?" Hahaha. I Love it. How many of you have had someone either ask you this or something similar or have wondered it yourself? For most of you it's really not a question you need to ever even worry about fully knowing. It's not that easy to manually adjust on most consumer point and shoot cameras. Leave it to your professional.
But for sake of interest. :) I figured I would show you an easy visual and maybe I will solve some of the mystery for you. Embarrassingly enough, I learn new things about aperture all the time myself. But here is a visual example of the difference in just a small range of apertures on my camera. For many of you, f/8 is what your camera will do for you all the time. And that's a nice all around. But just do give you an idea of range and what it looks like. I have each photo labeled with the aperture in which it was shot. See if you can figure out what the aperture or f/stop is doing to the image.

Here is the same flower with the same composition with just three different apertures. I hope you find it interesting and are a bit more enlightened as what is happening there.
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | 815.210.8982
Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
But for sake of interest. :) I figured I would show you an easy visual and maybe I will solve some of the mystery for you. Embarrassingly enough, I learn new things about aperture all the time myself. But here is a visual example of the difference in just a small range of apertures on my camera. For many of you, f/8 is what your camera will do for you all the time. And that's a nice all around. But just do give you an idea of range and what it looks like. I have each photo labeled with the aperture in which it was shot. See if you can figure out what the aperture or f/stop is doing to the image.

Here is the same flower with the same composition with just three different apertures. I hope you find it interesting and are a bit more enlightened as what is happening there.
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | 815.210.8982
Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Want to talk about fun?

Take one overly cute and teething, (yeah, that's the sad part) little guy and his loving parents who aren't really so sure about this crazy guy with a camera in his hands dragging them out to the middle of no wheresville (that's a place in my mind) . . . and you are bound to have something amazing and fun happen. It's just the law of, um, "the way things work" . . . when you pray stinkin' hard. (I do that a bit on such occasions.)
This shoot location was a total last minute change for us. With Brayden teething and being as his mother said, "a little on the grumpy" side, his parents weren't too keen on the idea of us driving an hour to Chicago just to have him cry the whole time. So, No problem, right? We just go somewhere else near by, right? At this point I just want to sit back and laugh. It's kind of funny how scary those words can sound over the phone when you are doing a family portrait session with a really little guy for the first time. And you know that you only have like 40 minutes to do something amazing. Hmmm, okay, this is where I turn to prayer and say, help. It's cool what happens. So I do it every time. Now you know my secret.
I have to say that God totally worked it out. I had no idea this place was even on earth an hour earlier. God totally deserves the credit for these images.
It says in Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path."
That is exactly what God did for me that evening. I just invited him in on this photo session. To be with me and lead me to the right place. And that is what he did for me. He lead me to this place. It is a favorite of mine. God be Praised.
Oh, and just in case you can't tell, Brayden was awesome to work with. Yeah, he thinks it funny watching his dad get tickled too. ;)

Monday, December 21, 2009
What did they say?

I think it's time I show off this testimonial from some clients I had in Redding, CA.
"It was so nice having peace of mind going into our wedding day knowing the quality of our wedding photos would be what we wanted. I know from talking to others, my best friend included, when you use a photographer you don't know very well, there is always the guessing game, "Are our pictures going to turn out and will we like them???" It was so nice not having these questions as we came down to our big day. Britton expertise gave us the ability to focus our attention on other wedding details. Another thing we have really enjoyed in viewing our pictures is the range from formal, posed photos to casual, candid pictures. And I think, because we as the bride and groom are so out of the "big picture," (any questions why?) we enjoyed the candid pictures the most. It gave us the ability to see our wedding from so many more different vantage points than the very narrow view we actually had. Viewing Britton and his assistant, Kelsey's photos actually let us "attend" our own wedding as guests. And then the extra time they both put in to our wedding day by spending almost an hour AFTER the wedding taking pictures of just Loriann and I at a remote location. The pictures from Old Shasta turned out fabulous!!! The whole wedding picture experience was wonderful. We are so grateful Britton was able to make our special day one we will never forget."
If you would like to see more pictures of Joel and Loriann's Amazing day, just click this link. http://photographybybritton.zenfolio.com/joelandloriann

Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Busy Midway

Sometimes it's hard to remember that even the busiest of places can come to a halt once in a 24 hour period. I think that's a good thing. It reminds me that even in the busiest of times . . . sometimes just stopping for a while can improve my productivity and life so much. I often think back to the wise words of the director of the graphic arts department where I once worked: "God gives us 24 hours in a day, Britton." We were in the mid of lots of rush projects that would demanded long hours, allowing for very little sleep. I think I was discussing that fact that unless we pull an all nighter we weren't going to get everything done in "time." It was cool to have someone over me who would work us diligently, but when it came to killing ourselves, he wasn't for it. He had the bigger picture of life in mind. He went on to say the sleep was an undeniable part of that 24 hours. And when it came right down to it, if they didn't give us enough time to do it all, it wasn't our fault.
Those words have replayed in my mind many times since when I've been tempted to just work all night long until I'm caught up. Let's not miss life. Let's not deny the things in life that are important in light of eternity. I think this is one of the reasons I love photography so much too. It's stopping a moment of time forever that we might otherwise miss.
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
Oh, I just want to say, I love Southwest. They are the best!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Light at the end.
What does "the light at the end of the tunnel" mean to you?
I've been working so hard for so long now to get my wedding photography business up and rolling. Sometimes it seems so hard. It feels more like I'm down at the end of the tunnel that is at the extreme opposite of the light. Then other times I feel like I'm about to jump right out into the glorious warmth of the glow at the end. It's weird.
I think I finally figured out what it is that changes my perspective up so much. The more I think about it, I'm pretty sure it's when I let myself compare myself to others. I had to learn to truly look to the Light, the one who gave me the gift of life and photography and not to get distracted by the others in the tunnel. I seem to be happiest as I embrace who I am right now in Christ right now as a photographer. It's great. When I do that, all I see is everything he has worked out for me over the past few years and I'm more sure of my calling than ever. It seems so clear when I take the time to look at everything that He has done to make it possible for me to even pick up a camera. Praise the Lord for his love. Keep your eyes on the light at the end. He won't fail you. He will cheer and heal your heart.
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber

I've been working so hard for so long now to get my wedding photography business up and rolling. Sometimes it seems so hard. It feels more like I'm down at the end of the tunnel that is at the extreme opposite of the light. Then other times I feel like I'm about to jump right out into the glorious warmth of the glow at the end. It's weird.
I think I finally figured out what it is that changes my perspective up so much. The more I think about it, I'm pretty sure it's when I let myself compare myself to others. I had to learn to truly look to the Light, the one who gave me the gift of life and photography and not to get distracted by the others in the tunnel. I seem to be happiest as I embrace who I am right now in Christ right now as a photographer. It's great. When I do that, all I see is everything he has worked out for me over the past few years and I'm more sure of my calling than ever. It seems so clear when I take the time to look at everything that He has done to make it possible for me to even pick up a camera. Praise the Lord for his love. Keep your eyes on the light at the end. He won't fail you. He will cheer and heal your heart.
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
Friday, December 18, 2009
Day two, (I still can't believe I'm blogging. This is great)
Today I've been working on getting my office moved from my family's kitchen to my room. It's been a fun challenge relaying out the room so I can fit a desk up there. But all in all, I like the way it's looking. (I'll post pictures of it once I have all the pictures and butterflies hung. Yes, I like butterflies a lot!) Doing photography actually seems to generate lots of paper just like any other business. And finding a place for it all is going to be great! I can't wait till I finish getting all my billing set up online. It's going to make it easier for me and my clients. I just can't wait! It's coming soon.
The other thing that has been on my work load for today is getting through all the pictures from my family's recent Vacation. Just in case you don't know me well yet, I spend a lot of my life working on images. I LOVE the endless possibilities that a photo can take with some imagination and a little know how in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. Okay, I'm rabbit trailing here. Back to editing images from the vacation. I only got through the first day and a half. But I'm feeling pretty good about how much I got done. And feeling like everything is moving forward in a good way. Now I need to just figure out how to post pictures to this thing soon too. I know the way I'm about to do it is the cheesy way. But I figure you can give me a break for my first week or so and give me lots of pointers too! :) Pointers ALWAYS welcome. Feel free to comment any points too. I don't care if the whole world sees it. I'm human and am a work in progress. Just working toward Something Amazing. :)
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber
This is El Morro as we pulled out of harbor.
San Jaun, The Name of the fort is El Morro
The family, Plus Shane's in-laws on our private deck. We got a sweet free upgrade. It was like winning the lottery.
Flying over the Islands . . . My Dad's favorite flight in the whole world, fyi. :)
The other thing that has been on my work load for today is getting through all the pictures from my family's recent Vacation. Just in case you don't know me well yet, I spend a lot of my life working on images. I LOVE the endless possibilities that a photo can take with some imagination and a little know how in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. Okay, I'm rabbit trailing here. Back to editing images from the vacation. I only got through the first day and a half. But I'm feeling pretty good about how much I got done. And feeling like everything is moving forward in a good way. Now I need to just figure out how to post pictures to this thing soon too. I know the way I'm about to do it is the cheesy way. But I figure you can give me a break for my first week or so and give me lots of pointers too! :) Pointers ALWAYS welcome. Feel free to comment any points too. I don't care if the whole world sees it. I'm human and am a work in progress. Just working toward Something Amazing. :)
Signing off for today. God bless your socks off,
Capture. Create. Discover.
Something Amazing!
Britton Felber

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Let's not make this boring.
Hey everyone, I finally got a blog.
Here's my goal. One, Not to bore you. Two, I want you to get to know my photography along with getting to know me a little better too. (Don't walk up to me and freak me out by telling me my life story if I don't know you. Please let me know you follow my blog first. hehe. jk.)
I had a slide show to post but it's not showing up right. So, if you are a pro blogger with tips for me. I would love it if you would send them my way! I can't wait to figure this whole blog thing out. It's going to be great! Cheers!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | 815.210.8982
Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
Here's my goal. One, Not to bore you. Two, I want you to get to know my photography along with getting to know me a little better too. (Don't walk up to me and freak me out by telling me my life story if I don't know you. Please let me know you follow my blog first. hehe. jk.)
I had a slide show to post but it's not showing up right. So, if you are a pro blogger with tips for me. I would love it if you would send them my way! I can't wait to figure this whole blog thing out. It's going to be great! Cheers!
Britton Felber
www.photographybybritton.com | 815.210.8982
Britton@photographybybritton.com | twitter.com/brittonfelber
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Blog Archive
- Happy new year!God bless you all. Britton Felber
- Working away on my photography website and . . .
- Retouching and blowing WAY WAY up.
- Cameron's swim meet.
- Christmas Day Post.
- Christmas, and "ginger" bread houses!
- It's cloudy with a 100% chance of snow for Christm...
- Let's compare apertures on three shots, shall we?
- Want to talk about fun?
- What did they say?
- Busy Midway
- The Light at the end.
- Day two, (I still can't believe I'm blogging. This...